2025: Year of the Hermit

The Hermit, Leonora Carrington, from Major Arcana collection

2025 is a 9 year in numerology (2+2+5 = 9) and the number 9 corresponds to The Hermit card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

The hermit card speaks of an inward journey that can only be taken alone. Often when we think of the word alone we think of “lonely,” but the hermit card is here to help us dispel this notion. The truth is, we are never alone – we are always surrounded and supported by spirit – and if we rely on the company of others to fix or solve our problems we are only delaying our own growth and evolution. Time spent alone is necessary for healing and strengthening self-confidence in your own power and abilities. The hermit card says, “Do not be afraid of the company you keep with yourself.”

The image on the hermit card shows a figure entering a dark cave, armed with a lantern, cloak and staff. The symbolism here is that the dark cave represents the descent inward, a willingness to go within and examine the shadows and fears that exist there. The willingness to enter the cave indicates a level of trust in self and spirit, trust that you are well equipped with your tools to handle whatever comes forward.

The cloak represents protection, indicating support by forces unseen on your inward journey. Though you may feel fear, safety is assured with this cloak of protection. The lantern represents the light of illumination, your guide on this journey. Trust that as you shine this lantern on each fear and shadow within the cave, and quite literally “bring them to light,” this light will dispel, dissolve, and release them. The staff represents higher wisdom. As you sit in the cave and shine a light on your shadows and fears, higher wisdom comes forward with lessons and integration that further accelerate your healing journey.

Getting to know oneself deeply and intimately is an important part of the initiates journey that can’t be avoided. If we try to bypass this step by filling our lives with constant company and busyness, we are only delaying personal growth and evolution. The hermit card is meant to help you befriend yourself and honor alone time as something sacred and healing to your mind, body and soul.  

As Ouspensky, author of Symbolism of the Tarot says, The Hermit card represents “Higher knowledge … that inner knowledge which illuminates in a new way even what appears to be already clearly known. This lantern lights up the past, the present and the future for the hermit.”

Trust yourself and the journey. Go within and see where the magic takes you …


The Purpose of Life is to Find God